Current Members
as of January 1, 2025
Circle Members
Leadership ($25,000)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Calder
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Crane
Mrs. Frances Massey Dulaney
Natalie and Glenn Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Griswold
Kristin Holloway
Dr. and Mrs. Manuel H. Johnson
Ms. Jazz Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. W. Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Knutson
Mrs. Jacqueline B. Mars
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mullan, III
Mrs. George L. Ohrstrom, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Ohrstrom
Karin and Mark J. Ohrstrom
Mr. George F. Ohrstrom
Mrs. Robin C. Parsky
Mr. and Mrs. F. Turner Reuter, Jr.
Mary and Don Shockey
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Slack
David Bruce Smith Grateful American Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Stahl, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Remy W. Trafelet
Mrs. Virginia Guest Valentine
George L. Ohrstrom, Jr. Foundation
Parker Poe Charitable Trust
Benefactor ($10,000)
Deanna and Charles T. Akre, Jr.
Amb. and Mrs. Thomas H. Anderson, Jr.
Ms. Cathy M. Brentzel
Mr. and Mrs. Landon V. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Davis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy O. Dove
Mr. and Mrs. Lammot du Pont
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Finlay
Mary Ann Ghadban
Michela Gorham
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Greenan
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gregory, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hall
Marissa and Walter Hasser
Cristina Andre Hug
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Kurzius
Mrs. E. Margriet Langenberg Husain and Mr. Najaf Husain
Mr. Bryce M. Lingo
Mr. and Mrs. Connor Marsden
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCausland
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mullin, III
Ms. Catherine C. Murdock
Ms. Catherine C. Murdock
Mr. T. Garrick Steele
Ms. Laurie Louise Volk
Ms. Viviane M. Warren
Randolph D. Rouse Foundation, Inc.
Conservator ($5,000)
Ms. Anne Ballenger
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Bradley
Edward C. Braun
Jo Cho
Gillian and Peter Cook
Ms. Mary Laub Cowan
Louise and W. Carey Crane, III
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Croker
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fazakerley
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Feasel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fleischmann, V
Ms. Nina Fout
Ms. Virginia Fout and Mr. Michael Whetstone
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Douglas Fout
Mr. and Mrs. J. Montgomery Gingery
Ms. Melissa P. Gray
Greg Grigorian
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Guest
Kathryn and Edward Harrell
Leslie Hazel
Alice Maxine Rowley Janes
Lisa and Marvin Jawer
Elizabeth L. Johnson
Bonnie and Jim Kraut
Lena Scott Lundh and Lennart Lundh
Mr. and Mrs. Jed Lyons
Ms. Elizabeth Mandros and Christopher Holder
Juliana E. May
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monk
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Naylor
Ms. Jean Perin
Ms. Nicole H. Perry and Mr. Andrew T. C. Stifler
Ms. Daisy Prince and Mr. Hugh Chisholm
Diana Reuter-Twining and Edmund S. Twining, III
Mrs. Grace Ritzenberg
Mr. Truman T. Semans
Julieann and Keven Shanahan
Donna and Garon Stutzman
Mrs. Phillip S. Thomas
Ms. Laura W. Van Roijen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Whelan
Mr. John Patrick White, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Rene R. Woolcott
Ms. Elizabeth von Hassell and Mr. David Wright
Patron ($2,500)
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Bishop
David and Jack Boul
Gerry Brewster
Mr. Snowden Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. John Kent Cooke
Kitty and Robert Dove
Dr. and Mrs. James Lee Etheredge, III
Ms. Sherry L. Fenwick
Mrs. Hermen Greenberg
Mr. Albert B. Head
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Jeffries
Mrs. S. K. Johnston, Jr.
Mrs. James Kleeblatt
Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Kobert
Ineke and Peter Kreeger
Elizabeth Locke and John Staelin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Mackall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Massie
Dr. William H. McCormick
Ms. Anne P. McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McIntosh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morency
James Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Oare
The Hon. Trevor Potter and Mr. Dana Scott Westring
Mrs. Frederick H. Prince
Ms. Emily P. Ristau
Alice Rogoff
Mrs. John Sodolski
Erica C. Tergeson
Mr. and Mrs. Oakleigh Thorne
Linda Volrath Parrish and Steven J. Parrish
Ms. Alexine von Keszycki and Dr. Kevin O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Witmer, Jr.
Morgan Stanley Gift Fund
Core Members
Guardian ($1,000)
Ms. Betty Smith Adams
Mr. John B. Adams, Jr.
Ms. Judy Allen
Donald and Ann Alsted
Cheryl Amyx
Stephanie Balderrama
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Banner, Jr.
Caroline and Gregory Bentley
Mrs. Rose Marie Bogley
Brian Boland
Mr. Perry J. Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bondy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brennan
Catherine and Steven Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Childs F. Burden
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burke, III
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cay, III
Mr. and Mrs. George Miller Chester, Jr.
Ms. Caroline Chopek
Mr. and Mrs. P. Hamilton Clark, III
Mr. Paul D. Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradley Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeButts
Mr. and Mrs. John Dowdy
Mrs. Karissa Epley
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Fendley, III
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ferrari
Tom Foster and Steve Dahlof
Ms. Gabrielle Gorton Gallegos
Kate Gordon and Joseph McKelpin
Mr. George Grayson
Mr. Bruce Harrison
Mr. James L. Hatcher, Jr.
Gertraud Hechl
Nancy Hedin and Evan Miller
Kiwi and Landon Hilliard
Ms. Carol Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace F. Holladay, Jr.
Dulcy and Richard Hooper
Virginia Huntley
Michael Jacoby
Virginia Jenkins
Elizabeth Baker Keffer
Mr. Douglas H. Lees, III
Mr. and Mrs. Trowbridge Littleton
Mary and Gregg Looney
Dr. Ekaterini Malliou
Michael Mars
Ms. Ashley Marx
Colvin T. Matheson
Mrs. Michael Matz
Ms. Patricia McCann
Paula and John Millian
Darrin Mollett and Bill Ballhaus
Ms. Shelley Mulitz
Mr. and Mrs. Fuller O'Connor
Ms. E. Reid O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ohrstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Chips C. Page
Mrs. Mary Charlotte Parr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Powers
Teresa and Harper Ricci
Mr. Tweed Roosevelt
Ms. Selwa Roosevelt
Gail Rousseau
Dr. and Mrs. William Russell
Sarah Fait and Drew Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. C. Porter Schutt, III
Cpt. Julia K. Scoville
Mr. Milton Sender
Ms. Barbara A. Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Snowden
Jean and Patrick Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stettinius
Mr. and Mrs. Tye
Mr. Rick M. Wallace and Mr. Timothy Harvey
Nancy West and Malcolm Matheson, III MFH
Murphy Tuomey Wilson
Ms. Sylvia J. Wilson
Ms. Nancy Hamill Winter
Mary Ann and Tucker Withers
Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin Wood, III, Joint MFH
Mr. Thomas Xenos
Lynne and Tony Zande
Judith McBean Foundation
Associate ($500)
Laurie and Chris Ambrose
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Armfield
Robert Atkins
Wendy Bebie
Zohar and Lisa Ben-Dov
Ms. Victoria Bendure
Mr. and Mrs. Max N. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Bonsal, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Brockman, Jr.
John Byars
Melissa Cantacuzene
Mr. Charles D. Carroll
Mr. W. Donald Clark
Mr. Edward F. Connelly
Elinor and Peter Crane
Shannon and Sean Crocker
Ada Gates
Elizabeth H. Gemmill
Mr. Jonathan Gifford
Dr. and Mrs. George T. Graham
Robin Greenwood
Mark Hart
Joseph and Lucia Henderson
Mr. E. Randolph Hooks
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Hundt, Jr.
Julia Jitkoff and Stanislaw Maliszewski
Mrs. Richard I. G. Jones
Gail Ann and Joe Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kansteiner
Robin Keys
Mary Lu and Mason Lampton
Catherine C. Larmore
David Lee
Stewart Marr
Mr. George H. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund T. Mudge, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muniz
George L. Ohrstrom, II
Ms. Amy N. Orr
Claudia and Ronald Pfeiffer
Darla Price
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Richardson
Ms. Barbara S. Riggs
Mr. Bruce D. Sargent
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seilheimer, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia R. St. Clair
Miss Beverly R. Steinman
Lynne Kaye and Leo Subler
Lettie Teague
Mr. James K. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wasserman
Lynn Wiley
Mr. Cary Wood
The Ford River Charitable Fund
Sponsor ($250)
Emma Atkinson
Mrs. Anita Baarns
Mr. Louis Bacon
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Bigley, III
Countess Clarissa Bonde
Ms. Steffanie Hanor Burgevin
Ms. Laura Campbell and Mr. James Cleaveland
Charles Caramello
Ms. Elizabeth Carroll
Ms. Susan Clarke
Kathleen and John Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. John Coles
Thomas J. Collins
Marylouise Coolidge
Patricia Craighill
Victor Daidone
Mr. Osborne Mackie
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Denegre
Ms. Kathleen A. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dimos
Bonny Dodson
Mr. and Mrs. H. Benjamin Duke, III
Leah and John Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerre Frankhouser
Bill Getchell
Bruce Ann Gillet
Susan and Cab Grayson
Michelle Guzman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hafer
Dell Hancock
Larry Hansard
Jacqueline Sellers and Wayne Harne
Mrs. Patricia Hellyer
Mr. and Mrs. H. Christopher Henick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hughes
Sally Ike
Karen Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Lee Jones
Mr. Joseph Judge
Andrew Koenig
Susanne Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Lambert
Ms. Dorothy Lee
Ms. Arla Jean Lewis
Gregory D. Luczyk
Natasha and David Lynders
Mr. and Mrs. Bill MacIlwaine
Mr. Osborne Mackie
Marion Maggiolo
Mrs. Peter Manigault
Mr. and Dr. Walter Matia
Carol C. Mattusch and Richard Mason
John L. McElroy, Jr.
Mrs. Lee McGettigan
Mr. and Mrs. Sean McGuinness
Karen McIsaac
Beth Merricks
Capt. Robert Mihlbaugh
Rachel Minchew
Linda R. Moss
Mr. Joseph R. Mullins
Deborah and Alan Nash
Ms. Elaine Oette
Mr. and Mrs. M. Willson Offutt, IV
Maureen Orth
Mr. J. Randolph Parks
Virginia and Coleman Perrin
Ms. Deanna Phillips
Mrs. Cynthia Piper
Donald Place
Mr. and Mrs. Ridge Porter
Ms. Anita Ramos
Ms. Kathleen B. Read and Mr. Greg Tawaststjerna
Mr. James E. Rich, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cody Rich
Ms. Barbara Rohde
Hannah and Dyer Rothrock
Mr and Mrs. Jack Sanford
H. Donnan Sharp
Mrs. Bernice M. Shick
Mr. Howe K. Sipes, III
Erin Smith
Mrs. Jamie Smith
Mrs. Nina A. Straight
Lori and Michael Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. David Sutton
Allison Trinkle and Lucy Curtis
Sherry Twining and Tom Walmer
Dr. Robert Varrin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Villa
Mrs. C. Langhorne Washburn
Mrs. John A. Wayt, III
Tara and Ben Wegdam
Samantha Bennett White
Diana and Nicholson White
Mrs. Helen C. Wiley
Karyn Wilson
Alston O. Wolf
Don Yovanovich
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Zimmerman
Baba Zipkin and Ernest Carrozza
The Quaker City Foundation
Dual/Household ($100)
Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Andrews
Sharon E. Anthony and Mike Weesner
Susie and Phil Audibert
Diane Avery
Sara Lee Barnes
Mr. Edwin Barron and Ms. Christine Meyer
Mr. Jim Bartley
Dr. Jennifer Beisel
Kay B. Blassic
Pamela and Ivan Blumberg
Kathy and Keith Boi
Ms. Cornelia W. Bonnie
Helen Brettell
Kay Chewning and Jeff Browning
Ms. Jackie C. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carpenter
Keating F. Carrier
Dr. Jim Casada
Marianne Casey and Russell Wagner
HE The Hon., Dr. Tom Cellucci, MBA
Brooke Chilvers and Pierre Lubin
Ms. Anne Clancy
Jack and Karin Clarkson
Jacqueline Clemons
Mrs. Peyton S. Cochran, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Farnham F. Collins
Roberta Comrie
Harriet and David Condon
Ms. Elizabeth Tayloe Courts
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cox
Margaret E. Crocker
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Curran
Mr. and Dr. Edward A. Cusnier
Dr. Laura N. Dabinett and Dr. Russell McKelway
Mr. Adam G. Delouche and Mrs. Lexi F. Randall Delouche
Ms. Marilyn A. Denton and Mr. John Charles Bennison
Ms. Linda Devan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dry
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. G. Wayne Eastham
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Edens, III
Leslie Edmundson
Jennifer Davis and John S. Egan
Maria and Coe Eldredge
Maria Eldredge
Mrs. Carina Elgin and Ms. Caroline Elgin
David and Elaina Evans
Ms. Patricia Ewing
Elizabeth and John Fawcett
Robin and Roger Feldman
Mrs. Diana Ferris
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fine
Laura Fisher
Robert Fugate
Juanita Furuta
Margaret Gallagher
Julie Giuliani and Ellia Giuliani
Ludy Green
Miss Stuart T. Greene
Mr. Channing M. Hall, III
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hannum, III
Terry Harrak and David Leifer
Jane Hensley
David and Melissa Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Higginson, Jr.
Katherine F. Hitch
Miss Meaghan K. Hogan
Mr. Davyd Foard Hood
Martha Horner
Mrs. Verne L. Hosta
Jane Hottensen
Mary Jo and Ron Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jeffries
Mrs. Richard K. Jones
Russell B. Jones Jr.
Millicent Jordan
Maral Kalbian
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kaye
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kaye
Sheila Keenan
Ann and Scott Keep
Belinda and Scott Keller
Susan and James Kelly
Susan and James Kelly
Ms. Catherine Parris Kerkam
The Honorable Lord Kirkhope
The Honorable Lord Kirkhope
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Klimon
Laura Koenig
Monica Kostreba
RDML (Ret) and Mrs. Jon C. Kreitz
Sebastian and Sophie Langenberg
Sebastian and Sophie Langenberg
Mrs. and Mr. Keith Larson
Mary Lawlor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert deTreville Lawrence
Kirsten Lee and Mark Salowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lewis
Lois and Kenneth Lippmann
Ms. Lexine D. Lowe and Mr. Frederick C. Pomeroy
Amy Luyster
Jan and Geraldine Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Mansmann
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Marstiller
Mr. James Martino
Mr. James Martino
Winslow McCagg
Didi and JT McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald
Millie and Brian McElheny
Deborah and Thomas McLaughlin
Deborah and Thomas McLaughlin
Ms. Katherine McLeod and Mr. Thomas Adams III
John Mercer
Linda and Jeff Meyerriecks
Leslie H. Moeller
Mrs. Karen Monroe and Mr. Douglas Gehlsen
Ms. Angela Morales
Ms. Rebecca Morgan
Judy Murphy
Richard and Susan Murphy
Judy Murphy
Caroline Nash and Jack Helmly
Deb and David Norman
Mr. W. Kemp Norman, Jr.
Ms. Lily L. Norton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Donnell
Mr. Michael O'Hare and Dr. Laura Guay
Mr. and Mrs. David Olimpi
Ms. Laurie Olivieri
Annie Bishop and Rob Onda
Mr. James F. O'Rourke, III
Angelene V. Pell
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Penkhus
Melinda Peters
Virginia and John Piper
Ms. Linda B. Platt
Ms. Mindy Pless
Ms. Lee Porter
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Walter. L. Prehn
Patricia Price
Dianna and Stephen Price
Jeneanne and Gene Rae
Stephen Ramey and Kathy Burns
Nina Randolph
Ms. Ann Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Reuter
Martha Reynolds and Storm Landew
Mr. Peter Riccardi
J.J. Roberts
Mr. Gregory Roberts
Ms. Linda Robeson
Laureen and Sean Rogers
Marilyn Rogers-Renner and David Renner
Ms. Meredith Whiting and Mr. John Ross
Katrina Ryan
Melissa and Rob Saunders
Terry Schafer and Robert Johnson
Mr. Philip K. Schenck, Jr.
Amanda and Erik Scheps
Barbara Scott
Miss Sydney Sheehan
Jennifer Sims and Bob Gallucci
Abbey Slitor and Vincent Badiee
Mr. Enrique Solari Garat and Mr. Alfonso Solari
Michael Stepniak
Michael Stepniak
Ms. Whitney Allyson Steve
Ms. Elizabeth Stokes
Dr. and Mrs. Barry S. Strauch
Mr. Daniel Studnicky and Mr. Dennis L. Stout
Ms. Emma Swatman
Ms. Joanne M. Swift
Dennis Tarro
Mrs. Donald Taylor
Ms. Robin H. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Terrell
Grace and Philip Terzian
Ms. Robin Huyett Thomas
Steven Topolovec
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tuckwiller
Ms. Nancy Tuomey
Mrs. Amelia Turcotte
Mary S. Twiss
Heidi and Chandler Van Voorhis
Heidi and Chandler Van Voorhis
Dr. Mary Frances Smoak Walde and Mr. William Walde
Peter and Haley Walsh
Ms. Nancy Ann Walton
Mrs. Ellen Waterman
Georgiana and Michael Watt
Franci and Hank Wayland
Holly and Stuart Weinstein-Bacal
Julie Weir and George Lula
Alison Wichman
Mr. and Mrs. John Noel Williams
Christy Willis
Ella Wolf
Don Woodruff
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Tommy Wyne
Colleen and Christopher Yarger
Colleen and Christopher Yarger
Cheryl and Michael Yermakov
William and Laurie Young
Harold E. Young
Brenda Zacherle
Isobel Ziluca
Lucy and Teddy Zimmerman
Individual ($50)
Jennifer Aldrich
Page Allen
Ms. Joyce Marie Anderson
Lois Angeletti
Miriam Anver
Ms. Sandra Auman
Mrs. Sarah Baldini
Hon. Constance S. Barker
Mel Bass
Ms. Posie Beam
Mrs. Nancy G. Bedford
Stacie Benes
Cynthia Benitz
JoAnn Bercini
Linda Bergin
Cynthia D. Beyer
Ms. Janice Binkley-Cole
Mr. Matthew L. Biscotti
Kathryn Blackwell
Margot Blattmann
Ms. Robin Bledsoe
Mr. William E. Bobbitt, Jr.
Timothy Bogardus
Melissa Bolt
Queta Bond
Christina E. Bowen
Mr. C. B. Boyer
Belle Bradley
Holly Bricken
Mr. Leonard H. Brown, III
Catherine Brown
Mr. Leonard H. Brown, III
Karen Burklew
Bonnie Burns
Ms. Liz Callar
Martha Cammack
Ms. Clara Cammack
Ms. Anne Canfield
Arden Carroll
Patricia Carter
Ms. Katherine K. Cawood
Peter Ceponis
Miss Lauren Cerand
Marilyn Z. Cheek
Katherine Chetti
Ms. D. Haskell Chhuy
Mrs. Beth Collier
Lawrence Comegys
Megan Connolly
Mary Cornish-Hicks
Ms. Jeralyn Coulter
Dr. Kathleen Greiwe Crandell
Irene Cromer
Joy Crompton
Juanita Crowley
Ms. Celia Cummings
Romey Curtis
Ms. Cynthia Daily
Ms. Ruth Anne Davis
Ms. Ann Denison
Mary Dixon and Jack Hutcheson
Mrs. C. Lindsay Dole
Pam Stokes Donehower
Heidi Doubleday
Stephen Duddleson
Mr. Bryant R. Dunetz
Ms. Christina Jordan Dunn
Hazle W. Edens
Ede Eldredge
Rebecca Elgin
Mr. James Elliott Entrikin
Todd Evans
Mr. Chad Ferguson
Heidi Fincken
Mr. John Fitzpatrick
Ms. Andrea Gilman
Kristen Glover
Juliet Graham
Juliet Graham
Prof. Gretchen Gurtler
Mary Ann Gworek
Jan Halderman
Heather Hanna
Mrs. Alexandra Semmes Hansen
Valerie Harris
Susan J. Hart
Constance Hartman
Miss Lisa Rose Havilland
Barbara Hite Heck
Ms. Patricia Hellmuth
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Herritt
Flora Hillman
Regan Hofmann
Ann Horner
Hilary Hyland
Ann Biggs Jackson
Stephen Jameson
Ms. Cynthia Jensen
Prof. Morgan Johnson
Karen Jones
Karen Kazmark
Paul Kearney
Jennifer Keen
Kevin Kessler
Nancy Keyser
Michelle King
Katharine B. Kingsley
Heidi Kleiderlein
Martha Kling
Miss Lillian Celestia Lancaster
Natalie Patricia Lasko
Mrs. Fred Lazenby
Reverend Eugene LeCouteur
Tiffany Lee
Janna Leepson
Susan Lindholm
Mr. S. Scot Litke
Deborah A. Logerquist, DVM
Booth Malone
Cate Malycke
Mr. Jack Martin
Ms. Jessica Mathews
Robert Matthews
Ms. Mary McEachern
Mr. Chris McGee
Mr. Harry G. McIntosh
John and Jennifer McKeever
Mrs. and Mr. Brendan McKinley
Ms. Lisa McLane
Jennie Meade
Meg Melusen
Ramsay Metcalf
Ramsay Metcalf
Christine Meyer
Ellicott Million
Mary A. Millman
Mr. Carlos S. E. Moore
Mr. Joseph L. Moran, Jr.
Daisy Moseley
Tony Musgrave
Mr. Ralph J. Nappi
Mrs. Kimbrough K. Nash
Kristin Kay Noggle
Mrs. Jane M. Noland
Elizabeth O'Beirne
Mr. John OBrien
John O'Brien
Mrs. William F. O'Keefe
Susan Old
Jo Pagano
Leah Palmer
Chris Parios
Deborah Payne
Barbara Pennington
Susan Pope
Mrs. Cynthia Potter
Jolie Smith Proimos
Mrs. Holliday M. Pulsifer
Ms. Wanda W. Putnam
Joan Ramsay
Sandra Ranke
Mr. Robert Rhoad
Mrs. Althea Richards
Helen Richards
Ms. Holly H. Richards
Ms. Andrea Gilman
Barclay Rives
Jean S. Roberts
Marjorie Robertson
Alice M. Robinson
Johnathon Roman
Anne Rowland
Mary Keith Ruffner
Mr. George T. Sadler
Mr. Robert G. Schneberger
Dr. James Sehn
Ms. Jacquelyn Shallberg
Anne Sittmann
Eleanor F. Slater, ex-MFH
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smick
Felicitas Smith
Ms. Betsy Smith
Nikki Smith
Mrs. D.M. Smithwick, Jr.
Emily Southgate
Ms. Ellie Spencer
Sara M. Stern
Nancy Nelson Stevenson
Ms. Joan Kathleen Strahler
Martha Strawther
Mr. William Stromire
Michael Strotz
Judith Strotz
Count Nikolaus Szapary
Holly Tank
Ms. Bonnie Taylor
Ms. Akemi Tinder
Ms. Elizabeth M. Tobey
Yvonne Todd
Ms. Felicia Schaps Tracy
Mr. William D. Trego
Linda Vegher
Dana Voorhees
Lee H. Vosters
Mr. Donald J. Walsh, Jr.
Mr. Anthony M. Warrender
Ms. Nan Mahone Wellborn
Karel Wennick
Ms. Hila Wever
Ms. Whitney White
Ms. Karen Wild
Linda Wilhelm
Mrs. Katherine Wilkins
Ms. Debora Williams
Ms. Lynden Willingham
Mr. Christopher Wilson
Mark E. Wisecarver
Mrs. James C. Wofford
Ms. Martha A. Wolfe and Dr. William Shabb
Ms. Pamela Woolley
Mrs. Marcia Woolman
Jennifer Young
Ms. Ruth L. Youngwirth
Student/Teacher ($25)
Miss Mary Watt
Miss Ada Watt